KingsBottle- Under Counter Beverage Refrigerator, Designed For Looks & Functionality.

Just for a second, imagine that; it is a warm summer night, and you are out on the porch. You have your barbecue all set, and barramundi is slowly sizzling away and on the right corner you have a crunchy Tabouleh salad is just waiting to be dressed. The only thing , still missing is a cold, pint of real frosty gold, beer- not too chilled, neither lukewarm, but just right. Therefore, as a true aficionado, what will you do, go straight to the kitchen fridge and pluck the very first bottle you lay your hand on. However, to your dismay, it is either too chilled that it hurts your teeth or there was so much stuff in your fridge that your beer is still tepid. Or as a true connoisseur, thankfully, you had the foresight, and you had invested in your very own wine fridge. 

KingsBottle's under counter beverage refrigerator, is a good place to start with, as their wine cooling & refrigeration machine are well acclaimed for its unmatched value, performance, and reliability. No one is, as good as, KingsBottle, which is a worldwide recognised manufacturer of wine & beverage refrigerator. As a leading purveyor, KingsBottle specialises in superior quality wine and beverage refrigeration products and even backs them up with 2 full year manufacturer's warranty. Their refrigerators range includes Free-standing beer & wine fridges and front-vented units that can be mounted directly into cabinetry.

KingsBottle draws on their years of experience in wine preservation and inculcates their expertise in their quality beverage refrigerators. The company offers a range of coolers which are specifically designed to meet the harsh Australia climate, while still keeping the cooler unit sleek, durable and stylish. Aesthetically, KingsBottle's under counter beverage refrigerator are designed as per the standard specifications and complement any house or room decor, while offering excellent performance and reliability.

Other than that some of the outstanding characteristics of KingsBottle's refrigerator products are:
  • Available In Many Shapes & Sizes.
  • They Are Energy-Efficient Fridges, Have The Optimal Range Of Temperatures.
  • Silent Working, Make The Least Vibration And Keep Your Wine & Beer In Good Condition.
  • Uses Top-Notch Materials Like Solid 304 High Grade Stainless Steel.
  • Best Price-To-Value Refrigerators In Their Range
  • Comes With 2 Years Warranty, Which Can Be Easily Extended Under 3 Or 5-Year Warranty Options.


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